

A command-line tool and a library for Omega-words, ω-automata and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL).

Implementing Safra’s construction

To demonstrate the versatility of owl, we implemented Safra’s determinization procedure from NBA to DRA. Although this procedure often is described as being tedious to implement, it required only roughly 60 lines of code in (plus a few lines for simple data structures). In the following, we present the full implementation, pruned of assertions and logging statements for brevity. The full version can be found in the repository.

The integration section provides further insights in how to integrate a new translation into owl.

Construction Code

We first show the complete code block used to implement Safra’s construction. In the following section, we present the used utility classes Label and Tree.

public static <S> Automaton<Tree<Label<S>>, RabinAcceptance>
  build(Automaton<S, BuchiAcceptance> nba) {
  int nbaSize = nba.size();
  int pairCount = nbaSize * 2;
  RabinAcceptance acceptance = RabinAcceptance.of(pairCount);
  Tree<Label<S>> initialState = Tree.of(Label.of(Set.copyOf(nba.initialStates()), 0));

  BiFunction<Tree<Label<S>>, BitSet, Edge<Tree<Label<S>>>> successor = (tree, valuation) -> {
    BitSet usedIndices = new BitSet(nbaSize);
    tree.forEach(node -> usedIndices.set(node.index()));
    BitSet edgeAcceptance = new BitSet(nbaSize);

    Tree<Label<S>> successorTree = tree.map((father, children) -> { // Successor
      Set<Edge<S>> fatherEdges = father.states().stream().flatMap(state ->
        nba.edges(state, valuation).stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

      if (fatherEdges.isEmpty()) return Tree.of(father.with(Set.of()));

      Label<S> newFather = father.with(Edges.successors(fatherEdges));
      Set<S> newChildStates = fatherEdges.stream().filter(edge -> edge.inSet(0))

      int index = usedIndices.nextClearBit(0);
      return Tree.of(newFather, Collections3.concat(children,
        List.of(Tree.of(Label.of(newChildStates, index)))));
    }).map((father, children) -> { // Horizontal merge
      Set<S> olderStates = new HashSet<>();
      List<Tree<Label<S>>> prunedChildren = new ArrayList<>();

      for (Tree<Label<S>> child : children) {
        Label<S> prunedLabel = child.label().without(olderStates);

        if (prunedLabel.states().isEmpty()) {
        } else {
          // Recursive pruning of the child
          prunedChildren.add(child.map((subNode, subChildren) ->
            Tree.of(subNode.without(olderStates), subChildren)));
      return Tree.of(father, prunedChildren);
    }).map((father, children) -> {
      List<Tree<Label<S>>> nonEmptyChildren = children.stream().filter(
        child -> !child.label().states().isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toList());
      if (nonEmptyChildren.isEmpty()) return Tree.of(father);

      Set<S> childStates = nonEmptyChildren.stream().map(Tree::label).map(Label::states)

      // Vertical merge
      if (childStates.equals(father.states())) {
        children.forEach(child -> child.forEach(node -> usedIndices.clear(node.index())));
        return Tree.of(father);
      return Tree.of(father, nonEmptyChildren);

    usedIndices.flip(0, nbaSize);
    BitSets.forEach(usedIndices, index ->
    return Edge.of(successorTree, edgeAcceptance);

  // Create on-the-fly automaton from initial state and successor function
  return AutomatonFactory.create(initialState, nba.factory(), successor, acceptance);

Data Structure Classes

In the above code, we used the following two data structure classes. The implementations are generated by the Immutables framework.

@Tuple @Value.Immutable
public abstract static class Label<S> {
  abstract Set<S> states();
  abstract int index();

  static <S> Label<S> of(Collection<S> states, int index) {
    return LabelTuple.create(states, index);

  Label<S> without(Set<S> states) { return of(Sets.difference(states(), states), index()); }
  Label<S> with(Collection<S> states) { return of(states, index()); }
@HashedTuple @Value.Immutable
public abstract class Tree<L> {
  abstract L label();
  abstract List<Tree<L>> children();

  static <L> Tree<L> of(L label) { return TreeTuple.create(label, List.of()); }
  static <L> Tree<L> of(L label, List<Tree<L>> children) {
    return TreeTuple.create(label, children);

  public Tree<L> with(L label) { return of(label, children()); }

  public Tree<L> map(BiFunction<L, List<Tree<L>>, Tree<L>> function) {
    return function.apply(label(), Lists.transform(children(), child -> child.map(function)));
  public Tree<L> map(Function<L, L> function) {
    return of(function.apply(label()), Lists.transform(children(),
      child -> child.map(function)));

  public void forEach(Consumer<L> action) {
    children().forEach(child -> child.forEach(action));
  public void forEach(BiConsumer<L, List<L>> action) {
    action.accept(label(), Lists.transform(children(), Tree::label));
    children().forEach(child -> child.forEach(action));


To integrate the new construction with our pipeline, we only needed to register the following field with the central parser.

public static final TransformerParser CLI = ImmutableTransformerParser.builder()
  .key("safra") // Name of the module in pipelines
  .description("Translates NBA to DRA using Safra's construction")
  .parser(settings -> environment -> (input, context) ->
    SafraBuilder.build(AutomatonUtil.cast(input, BuchiAcceptance.class)))

The registration process is as simple as OwlModuleRegistry.DEFAULT_REGISTRY.register(CLI). Similarly, a dedicated entry point can be created by

public static void main(String... args) {
  PartialModuleConfiguration config = PartialModuleConfiguration.builder("nba2dra")
    .reader(InputReaders.HOA) // Start the pipeline skeleton with a (preconfigured) reader, expecting HOA input
    .addTransformer(CLI) // Adds the yet to be configured CLI parser for our module
    .writer(OutputWriters.HOA) // End with a prefconfigured HOA serializer

  // Run the created pipeline config with the given args, configuring our module and basic I/O
  PartialConfigurationParser.run(args, config);

Adding this construction to the testing framework then only required the following two changes: First, we declare our new construction in tools.json by

"ltl-safra": {
  "type": "owl",
  "input": "ltl",
  "output": "hoa",
  "name": "safra",
  "pre": [
    [ "ltl2aut-ext", "-t", "ltl2tgba -B" ]
  "post": [ "minimize-aut" ]

Now, ltl-safra refers to a pipeline which reads and simplifies LTL formulas, passes them to Spot’s ltl2tgba, producing a Büchi automaton, and then applies the above construction to it. Specifically, the test utility builds the pipeline

ltl --- simplify-ltl --- ltl2aut-ext -t "ltl2tgba -B" --- safra --- minimize-aut --- hoa

We declare a test case in tests.json by

"safra": {
  "tools": "ltl-safra",
  "data": "small"

This test now takes our above declared pipeline ltl-safra and runs it on the small data set. It can be manually executed by running python scripts/util.py test safra, or integrated in the CI pipeline by adding

  stage: test
    TEST_NAME: "safra"
  <<: *ltlcross_template

to .gitlab-ci.yml, i.e. GitLab’s CI specifications.