Class HOAFParserFixed

  • public class HOAFParserFixed
    extends Object
    Public interface to the HOA format parser.

    Note that the parser is non-reentrant, i.e., it is not possible to parse two streams at the same time!

    • Constructor Detail

      • HOAFParserFixed

        public HOAFParserFixed()
    • Method Detail

      • parseHOA

        public static void parseHOA​(Reader str,
                                    jhoafparser.consumer.HOAConsumerFactory userFactory)
                             throws jhoafparser.parser.generated.ParseException
        Entry point for parsing a stream of automata in HOA format.
        Note: this parser is non-reentrant, i.e., it is not possible to parse two streams at the same time!
        str - The input stream with the automaton description
        userFactory - A factory that produces HOAConsumers, one for each automaton encountered, that receive the notifications about the parsed elements from the parser