Package owl.ltl

Class GOperator

    • Constructor Detail

      • GOperator

        public GOperator​(Formula operand)
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static Formula of​(Formula operand)
        Construct a LTL-equivalent formula for G(operand). The method examines the operand and might choose to construct a simpler formula. However, the size of the syntax tree is not increased. In order to syntactically construct G(operand) use the constructor.
        operand - The operand of the G-operator
        a formula equivalent to G(operand)
      • not

        public Formula not()
        Description copied from class: Formula
        Syntactically negate this formula.

        If this formula is in NNF, the returned negation will also be in NNF.

        Specified by:
        not in class Formula
        the negation of this formula.