Package picocli

Class CommandLine.ExitCode

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int OK
      Return value from the execute and executeHelpRequest methods signifying successful termination.
      static int SOFTWARE
      Return value from the execute method signifying internal software error: an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.
      static int USAGE
      Return value from the execute method signifying command line usage error: user input for the command was incorrect, e.g., the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever.
    • Field Detail

      • SOFTWARE

        public static final int SOFTWARE
        Return value from the execute method signifying internal software error: an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.

        The value of this constant is 1.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • USAGE

        public static final int USAGE
        Return value from the execute method signifying command line usage error: user input for the command was incorrect, e.g., the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever.

        The value of this constant is 2.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values