Class ColorRefinement.Neighborhood

  • Enclosing class:

    public abstract static class ColorRefinement.Neighborhood
    extends Object
    Represents the neighborhood of a state. A neighborhood consists of all NeighborTypes that are maximal with regard to the ordering computed in the previous iteration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Neighborhood

        public Neighborhood()
    • Method Detail

      • available

        public abstract BddSet available()
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(ColorRefinement.Neighborhood other)
        Compares a neighborhood to another such that they can be sorted.
        other - The neighborhood to compare against.
        0 if they are equal, -1 if the other is larger, 1 otherwise.
      • maximal

        public static <S> ColorRefinement.Neighborhood maximal​(Automaton<S,​BuchiAcceptance> aut,
                                                               S state,
                                                               owl.automaton.algorithm.simulations.ColorRefinement.Ordering ord,
                                                               owl.automaton.algorithm.simulations.ColorRefinement.Coloring<S> col)
        Constructs a neighborhood for a given state under a previously computed coloring and ordering consisting of only maximal NeighborTypes.
        Type Parameters:
        S - Type of state of the automaton.
        aut - The underlying automaton.
        state - The state to compute the maximal Neighborhood for.
        ord - Ordering with regard to which maximality is tested.
        col - The coloring associated with the Ordering.
        A maximal neighborhood where no type is dominated by another.
      • dominates

        public boolean dominates​(owl.automaton.algorithm.simulations.ColorRefinement.Ordering ord,
                                 ColorRefinement.Neighborhood other)
        Tests whether the neighborhood dominates another, which holds if each neighbor type in the other neighborhood is dominated by one in this neighborhood.
        ord - The order to compare against.
        other - The other neighborhood that is dominated.
        True if and only if this neighborhood dominates the other.