Package picocli

Class CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder
    extends Object
    Builder class to create ColorScheme instances.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
        Constructs an empty color scheme builder with Ansi.AUTO.
      • Builder

        public Builder​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi ansi)
        Constructs an empty color scheme builder with the specified Ansi value.
      • Builder

        public Builder​(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme existing)
        Constructs a color scheme builder with all attributes copied from the specified color scheme.
    • Method Detail

      • parameterStyles

        public List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle> parameterStyles()
        Returns the registered styles for positional parameters in this color scheme builder.
      • optionParamStyles

        public List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle> optionParamStyles()
        Returns the registered styles for option parameters in this color scheme builder.
      • stackTraceStyles

        public List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle> stackTraceStyles()
        Returns the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme builder.
      • commands

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder commands​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for commands in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
        styles - the styles to add to the registered styles for commands in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • options

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder options​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for options in this color scheme and returns this color scheme.
        styles - the styles to add to registered the styles for options in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • parameters

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder parameters​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for positional parameters in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
        styles - the styles to add to registered the styles for parameters in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • optionParams

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder optionParams​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for option parameters in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
        styles - the styles to add to the registered styles for option parameters in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • errors

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder errors​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for errors in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
        styles - the styles to add to the registered styles for errors in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • stackTraces

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder stackTraces​(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle... styles)
        Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
        styles - the styles to add to the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme builder
        this color scheme builder to enable method chaining for a more fluent API
      • applySystemProperties

        public CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder applySystemProperties()
        Replaces colors and styles in this scheme builder with ones specified in system properties, and returns this builder. Supported property names:
        • picocli.color.commands
        • picocli.color.options
        • picocli.color.parameters
        • picocli.color.optionParams
        • picocli.color.errors
        • picocli.color.stackTraces

        Property values can be anything that CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style.parse(String) can handle.

        this ColorScheme builder