Package picocli

Class CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
    extends Object
    Models the usage help message specification and can be used to customize the usage help message.

    This class provides two ways to customize the usage help message:

    • Change the text of the predefined sections (this may also be done declaratively using the annotations)
    • Add custom sections, or remove or re-order predefined sections

    The pre-defined sections have getters and setters that return a String (or array of Strings). For example: description() and description(String...) or header() and header(String...).

    Changing the section order, or adding custom sections can be accomplished with sectionKeys(List) and sectionMap(Map). This gives complete freedom on how a usage help message section is rendered, but it also means that the section renderer is responsible for all aspects of rendering the section, including layout and emitting ANSI escape codes. The CommandLine.Help.TextTable and CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text classes, and the CommandLine.Help.Ansi.string(String) and CommandLine.Help.Ansi.text(String) methods may be useful.

    The usage help message is created more or less like this:

     // CommandLine.usage(...) or CommandLine.getUsageMessage(...)
     Help.ColorScheme colorScheme = Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.AUTO);
     Help help = getHelpFactory().create(getCommandSpec(), colorScheme)
     StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
     for (String key : getHelpSectionKeys()) {
         IHelpSectionRenderer renderer = getHelpSectionMap().get(key);
         if (renderer != null) { result.append(renderer.render(help)); }
     // return or print result

    Where the default help section map is constructed like this:

     // The default section renderers delegate to methods in Help for their implementation
     // (using Java 8 lambda notation for brevity):
     Map<String, IHelpSectionRenderer> sectionMap = new HashMap<>();
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_HEADER_HEADING,         help -> help.headerHeading());
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_HEADER,                 help -> help.header());
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_SYNOPSIS_HEADING,       help -> help.synopsisHeading());      //e.g. Usage:
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_SYNOPSIS,               help -> help.synopsis(help.synopsisHeadingLength())); //e.g. <cmd> [OPTIONS] <subcmd> [COMMAND-OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_DESCRIPTION_HEADING,    help -> help.descriptionHeading());   //e.g. %nDescription:%n%n
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_DESCRIPTION,            help -> help.description());          //e.g. {"Converts foos to bars.", "Use options to control conversion mode."}
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_PARAMETER_LIST_HEADING, help -> help.parameterListHeading()); //e.g. %nPositional parameters:%n%n
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_PARAMETER_LIST,         help -> help.parameterList());        //e.g. [FILE...] the files to convert
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_OPTION_LIST_HEADING,    help -> help.optionListHeading());    //e.g. %nOptions:%n%n
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_OPTION_LIST,            help -> help.optionList());           //e.g. -h, --help   displays this help and exits
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_COMMAND_LIST_HEADING,   help -> help.commandListHeading());   //e.g. %nCommands:%n%n
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_COMMAND_LIST,           help -> help.commandList());          //e.g.    add       adds the frup to the frooble
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_EXIT_CODE_LIST_HEADING, help -> help.exitCodeListHeading());
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_EXIT_CODE_LIST,         help -> help.exitCodeList());
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_FOOTER_HEADING,         help -> help.footerHeading());
     sectionMap.put(SECTION_KEY_FOOTER,                 help -> help.footer());
    • Constructor Detail

      • UsageMessageSpec

        public UsageMessageSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • width

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec width​(int newValue)
        Sets the maximum usage help message width to the specified value. Longer values are wrapped.
        newValue - the new maximum usage help message width. Must be 55 or greater.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified width is less than 55
      • longOptionsMaxWidth

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec longOptionsMaxWidth​(int newValue)
        Sets the maximum usage help long options column max width to the specified value. This value controls the maximum width of the long options column: any positional parameter labels or long options that are longer than the specified value will overflow into the description column, and cause the description to be displayed on the next line.
        newValue - the new maximum usage help long options column max width. Must be 20 or greater.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified long options column max is less than 20
      • width

        public int width()
        Returns the maximum usage help message width. Derived from system property "picocli.usage.width" if set, otherwise returns the value set via the width(int) method, or if not set, the default width.
        the maximum usage help message width. Never returns less than 55.
      • longOptionsMaxWidth

        public int longOptionsMaxWidth()
        Returns the maximum usage help long options column max width to the specified value. This value controls the maximum width of the long options column: any positional parameter labels or long options that are longer than the specified value will overflow into the description column, and cause the description to be displayed on the next line.
        the new maximum usage help long options column max width. Always 20 or greater.
      • autoWidth

        public boolean autoWidth()
        Returns whether picocli should attempt to detect the terminal size and adjust the usage help message width to take the full terminal width. End users may enable this by setting system property "picocli.usage.width" to AUTO, and may disable this by setting this system property to a numeric value. This feature requires Java 7 or greater. The default is false.
        See Also:
      • autoWidth

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec autoWidth​(boolean detectTerminalSize)
        Sets whether picocli should attempt to detect the terminal size and adjust the usage help message width to take the full terminal width. The default is false.
        detectTerminalSize - whether picocli should attempt to detect the terminal size
        See Also:
      • sectionMap

        public Map<String,​CommandLine.IHelpSectionRenderer> sectionMap()
        Returns the map of section keys and renderers used to construct the usage help message. The usage help message can be customized by adding, replacing and removing section renderers from this map. Sections can be reordered with the sectionKeys setter. Sections that are either not in this map or not in the list returned by sectionKeys are omitted.
        See Also:
      • helpFactory

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec helpFactory​(CommandLine.IHelpFactory helpFactory)
        Sets a new IHelpFactory to customize the usage help message.
        helpFactory - the new help factory. Must be non-null.
        this UsageMessageSpec object, to allow method chaining
      • header

        public String[] header()
        Returns the optional header lines displayed at the top of the help message. For subcommands, the first header line is displayed in the list of commands. Values are initialized from CommandLine.Command.header() if the Command annotation is present, otherwise this is an empty array and the help message has no header. Applications may programmatically set this field to create a custom help message.
      • synopsisAutoIndentThreshold

        public double synopsisAutoIndentThreshold()
        Returns the fraction of the usage help width() that is the threshold up to which the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis should be aligned to the end of the command name. The default value of this attribute is 0.5. If the length of the synopsis heading plus the length of the fully qualified command name exceeds this fraction of the width, the 2nd and subsequent rows of a multi-line synopsis will be aligned to the synopsisIndent() instead of the end of the command name.
      • synopsisIndent

        public int synopsisIndent()
        Returns the indentation to use on the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis when the length of the synopsis heading and the fully qualified command name exceed the width() times the synopsisAutoIndentThreshold(), -1 by default. A negative value for this option means that the 2nd line and subsequent lines are aligned to the synopsis heading length. A positive value means the exact number of spaces to indent for the 2nd line and subsequent lines of the synopsis.
      • abbreviateSynopsis

        public boolean abbreviateSynopsis()
        Returns whether the synopsis line(s) should show an abbreviated synopsis without detailed option names.
      • customSynopsis

        public String[] customSynopsis()
        Returns the optional custom synopsis lines to use instead of the auto-generated synopsis. Initialized from CommandLine.Command.customSynopsis() if the Command annotation is present, otherwise this is an empty array and the synopsis is generated. Applications may programmatically set this field to create a custom help message.
      • description

        public String[] description()
        Returns the optional text lines to use as the description of the help message, displayed between the synopsis and the options list. Initialized from CommandLine.Command.description() if the Command annotation is present, otherwise this is an empty array and the help message has no description. Applications may programmatically set this field to create a custom help message.
      • sortOptions

        public boolean sortOptions()
        Returns whether the options list in the usage help message should be sorted alphabetically.
      • requiredOptionMarker

        public char requiredOptionMarker()
        Returns the character used to prefix required options in the options list.
      • showDefaultValues

        public boolean showDefaultValues()
        Returns whether the options list in the usage help message should show default values for all non-boolean options.
      • hidden

        public boolean hidden()
        Returns whether this command should be hidden from the usage help message of the parent command.
        true if this command should not appear in the usage help message of the parent command
      • exitCodeListHeading

        public String exitCodeListHeading()
        Returns the optional heading preceding the exit codes section, may contain "%n" line separators. "" (empty string) by default.
      • exitCodeList

        public Map<String,​String> exitCodeList()
        Returns an unmodifiable map with values to be displayed in the exit codes section: keys are exit codes, values are descriptions. Descriptions may contain "%n" line separators. Callers may be interested in the keyValuesMap method for creating a map from a list of "key:value" Strings.

        This may be configured in a resource bundle by listing up multiple "key:value" pairs. For example:

         usage.exitCodeList.0 = 0:Successful program execution.
         usage.exitCodeList.1 = 64:Invalid input: an unknown option or invalid parameter was specified.
         usage.exitCodeList.2 = 70:Execution exception: an exception occurred while executing the business logic.
        an unmodifiable map with values to be displayed in the exit codes section, or an empty map if no exit codes are registered.
        See Also:
      • keyValuesMap

        public static Map<String,​String> keyValuesMap​(String... entries)
        Creates and returns a Map that contains an entry for each specified String that is in "key:value" format.
        entries - the strings to process; values that are not in "key:value" format are ignored
        a Map with an entry for each line, preserving the input order
      • footer

        public String[] footer()
        Returns the optional footer text lines displayed at the bottom of the help message. Initialized from CommandLine.Command.footer() if the Command annotation is present, otherwise this is an empty array and the help message has no footer. Applications may programmatically set this field to create a custom help message.
      • header

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec header​(String... header)
        Sets the optional header lines displayed at the top of the help message. For subcommands, the first header line is displayed in the list of commands.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • synopsisSubcommandLabel

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec synopsisSubcommandLabel​(String newValue)
        Sets the String representing the subcommands in the synopsis.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • synopsisAutoIndentThreshold

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec synopsisAutoIndentThreshold​(double newValue)
        Sets the fraction of the usage help width() that is the threshold up to which the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis should be aligned to the end of the command name. The default value of this attribute is 0.5. If the length of the synopsis heading plus the length of the fully qualified command name exceeds this fraction of the width, the 2nd and subsequent rows of a multi-line synopsis will be aligned to the synopsisIndent() instead of the end of the command name.
        newValue - the new threshold value. Must be a value between 0.0 and 0.9, inclusive
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified value is less than 0.0 or greater than 0.9
      • synopsisIndent

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec synopsisIndent​(int newValue)
        Sets the indentation to use on the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis when the length of the synopsis heading and the fully qualified command name exceed the synopsisAutoIndentThreshold() fraction of the width(), -1 by default. A negative value for this option means that the 2nd line and subsequent lines are aligned to the synopsis heading length. A positive value means the exact number of spaces to indent for the 2nd line and subsequent lines of the synopsis.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • abbreviateSynopsis

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec abbreviateSynopsis​(boolean newValue)
        Sets whether the synopsis line(s) should show an abbreviated synopsis without detailed option names.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • customSynopsis

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec customSynopsis​(String... customSynopsis)
        Sets the optional custom synopsis lines to use instead of the auto-generated synopsis.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • descriptionHeading

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec descriptionHeading​(String newValue)
        Sets the heading preceding the description section.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • description

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec description​(String... description)
        Sets the optional text lines to use as the description of the help message, displayed between the synopsis and the options list.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • parameterListHeading

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec parameterListHeading​(String newValue)
        Sets the optional heading preceding the parameter list.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • sortOptions

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec sortOptions​(boolean newValue)
        Sets whether the options list in the usage help message should be sorted alphabetically.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • requiredOptionMarker

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec requiredOptionMarker​(char newValue)
        Sets the character used to prefix required options in the options list.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • showDefaultValues

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec showDefaultValues​(boolean newValue)
        Sets whether the options list in the usage help message should show default values for all non-boolean options.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • hidden

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec hidden​(boolean value)
        Set the hidden flag on this command to control whether to show or hide it in the help usage text of the parent command.
        value - enable or disable the hidden flag
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
        See Also:
      • commandListHeading

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec commandListHeading​(String newValue)
        Sets the optional heading preceding the subcommand list.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • exitCodeListHeading

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec exitCodeListHeading​(String newValue)
        Sets the optional heading preceding the exit codes section, may contain "%n" line separators. "" (empty string) by default.
      • exitCodeList

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec exitCodeList​(Map<String,​String> newValue)
        Sets the values to be displayed in the exit codes section: keys are exit codes, values are descriptions. Descriptions may contain "%n" line separators.

        This may be configured in a resource bundle by listing up multiple "key:value" pairs. For example:

         usage.exitCodeList.0 = 0:Successful program execution.
         usage.exitCodeList.1 = 64:Invalid input: an unknown option or invalid parameter was specified.
         usage.exitCodeList.2 = 70:Execution exception: an exception occurred while executing the business logic.
        newValue - a map with values to be displayed in the exit codes section
        See Also:
      • footerHeading

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec footerHeading​(String newValue)
        Sets the optional heading preceding the footer section.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • footer

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec footer​(String... footer)
        Sets the optional footer text lines displayed at the bottom of the help message.
        this UsageMessageSpec for method chaining
      • adjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters

        public boolean adjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters()
        Returns whether line breaks should take wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters into account for line-breaking purposes.
        true if wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters are counted as double the size of other characters for line-breaking purposes
      • adjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters

        public CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec adjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters​(boolean adjustForWideChars)
        Sets whether line breaks should take wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters into account, and returns this UsageMessageSpec.
        adjustForWideChars - if true, wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters are counted as double the size of other characters for line-breaking purposes